Tag Archives: thumb sucking

How To Put An End To The Thumb Sucking

Just as there are several reasons that encourage kids to suck their thumbs, there are also several things you can do to prevent it. Here are some best practices worth considering:

Offer alternative comforts: If the habit comes from fear or stress, give them a timely hug or kiss or offer a favorite toy that works. You can also look for the best thumb sucking prevention via https://www.amazon.co.uk/Age-2-7-Stop-Thumb-Sucking/dp/B00VQU2DZS.

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Reward their efforts: Enthusiastic compliments, stickers, or other special treats can be very motivating and fun.

Use creative reminders: if you catch your child doing thumb sucking, give specific cues to quietly stop the behavior, and try a bandage on their thumb or a sock up the hand to stop thumb sucking at night.

Seek the help of a dentist: Ultimately, depending on your child's dental situation, a mouth guard or special thumb pad may be recommended.

Whichever path you choose, positive attitudes and behaviors will go a long way in reducing stress for you and your child.

It could also be helpful to team up with your dentist to resolve the issue. A dental check-up and professional guidance can help you go in the right direction depending on the severity of thumb sucking and your child's age. 

Make an appointment for a consultation to raise your concerns and/or provide an update on the situation at your next appointment.